WELCOME to Homestead Garden's Plant Finder
Search and explore for plants that thrive in our unique climate and region. Build wish lists, learn about plant characteristics, and find the perfect plants for you and your home. This exclusive tool lets you easily research and find plants by keyword, phrase and even the specific characteristics you seek. Bring your wish list to your favorite Homestead Gardens location and our expert staff will help with your choices.
Please Note: Our Plant Finder is all about plants that will work for you in the Eastern Coastal Regions. While we regularly stock many of the plants listed on our Plant Finder, it is not, nor is it intended to be, a current list of plants in stock, on hand at each location or at our farm.
Shopping? Our newly launched website (SHOP Homestead Gardens) display some of our favorite plants to be purchased online. Please stop in any of our Homestead Gardens locations to get expert help with your plant questions and see our huge inventory of beautiful plants selected specifically by us for you and your garden.
Search for plants by entering key words and phrases, specific characteristics, or both, then click on the "Search" button, or get detailed information and advanced tips and hints on how to use this resource.